Workshop Leadership

2012          Smithsonian Natural History Museum                                                                 -Staff Retreat education department                                                                        -Concierge Program training workshops

2012          Lacawac Artist Retreat- workshop in empowerment

2012          Alternative Speakers Bureau

2010          Baruch Creative Campus- Project Manager                                       -workshops training staff in communication and leadership skills                                -Baruch Voices, crafting monologues culled from incoming freshmen class into a performance for freshmen. Involved over 2,000 people over the course of two years.

2010          Radiant Axis Founded                                                                              -business for workshops in creativity

2000-now    John Jay  Adjunct Professor in the Interdisciplinary Department                  -focus on communication, empowerment, critical thinking and listening skills.                     -2012- Current class- Femme Fatals

1998-07        Playwrights Horizons Theater School                                                               -Mentoring for over 7 years advising and supporting NYU student play productions and rehearsal process.                                                                                                      -Teaching classes on Viewpoints and Creative Expression for over 5 years

1995-1996          42nd Street Collective- design class for “non- designers”                          -first prol teaching gig- 2 years of inspiring personal expression and visual communication.



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